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Contributing Guidelines

Please refer to these guidelines when editing the wiki in order to ensure a consistent presentation throughout.

For information on how to format text on this wiki, see Formatting Syntax.


Please refer to these guidelines when choosing header sizes.


For the title of the page, use heading 1 (6 equals signs).

Format: ====== Page Title ======
Example: ====== Contributing Guidelines ======


For the top-level sections, use heading 2 (5 equals signs).

Format: ===== Section Title =====
Example: ===== Headers =====


For the sub-sections within a top-level section, use heading 3 (4 equals signs).

Format: ==== Sub-Section Title ====
Example: ==== Sub-Section ====

Remaining Sizes

A meaning has not yet been assigned to the remaining 2 heading sizes; please update this section following the format above if you have to use them.

contributing_guidelines.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 13:37 by samraku